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Friday, August 11, 2017

Get GW2 Path of Fire here!

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire will be launched on 22 September! If you plan to get the expansion, please consider supporting my channel by pre-purchasing your copy of Guild Wars 2‘s second expansion here: 

  • The Spearmarshal’s Gift Choose a weapon skin from the Sunspear weapon set.
  • Miniature Rogue Balthazar This is an exclusive miniature of Balthazar.
  • The “Elonian Envoy” Title 

When you prepurchase any edition of Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, you can add Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns during checkout and purchase both expansions together for less than the combined individual expansion prices.

If you do not have GW2 installed & would like to check out the new expansion during the preview weekend, you can download the game for free here:


Thursday, November 24, 2016

GW2 - Cold Resistance buff

In Guild Wars 2's new Living World Season 3 episode, there is a new zone called Bitterfrost Frontier. The northeast area of this zone is called The Bitter Cold. To survive in this area, players need the Cold Resistance buff. Players have been complaining that once the buff wears off after 14 hours, they are not able to get the buff back again. Even after finishing the grawl Renown Heart quest, players cannot buy the Grawl Firestone from the kodan, Sun Warming. This was what I did to get the buff again:
  • Replay the episode. So I had to redo Precocious Aurene up till the story quests Elixir Recipe & Elixir Cookin'. I couldn't just start from Elixir Recipe because it is out in the open world and not instanced.
  • Collect the ingredients to make the Thaw Elixir: Clump of Frostbitten Suet, Fresh Winterberries, Cold-Resistant Eggshells & Grawl Firestone.
  • For Cold-Resistant Eggshells, you have to do the Renown Heart by a quaggan, Woomulla in Griffon Old Growth.
  • For the Grawl Firestone, you have to do the Renown Heart by the kodan, Sun Warming in Brakbrak Ice Snarl (grawl cave).
  • You MUST complete the story, Elixir Recipe! This will allow you to buy the Grawl Firestone from Sun Warming. BUY MORE THAN 1 so you can keep making the Thaw Elixir while waiting for Anet to fix this bug!
  • You can continue to Elixir Cookin' to get the Cold Resistance buff but just stop at that point. For some reason, players who complete the storyline cannot access the Grawl Firestone vendor after that.
Hope this helps! :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hey guys! It’s Ayin!

Hey guys! It’s Ayin! :D

I make noob gaming videos of MMORPGs that I’ve played. Just simple how-tos to help you get started in the game or achievements tutorials that you can get over time. The goal is to share my gaming experiences & hopefully help other gamers. I’ve also contributed to wikis and guides of some of the games I’ve played.
Here are just some of them:

Recently, I started to explore livestreaming on Twitch. I am also looking at this upcoming game called Revelations Online. I am currently playing Guild Wars 2.
You guys are awesome! Thank you all for the amazing support!

❤ Ayin